A Blog About Writing Books
Do you really have time to write a book?
“Not having the time” is the number one reason that prevents would-be authors from sitting down to write the book they deeply yearn to write. Many people assume they don’t have time to write a book, without having a clear understanding of what time commitment a book actually requires. In this blog, I’ll help you get a clearer sense of how long it’ll likely take you to write your book, so that you can decide if you can realistically commit to writing a book, now or in the future.
Rituals of Writing: Developing Creative Habits That Serve
Did you know that most great creatives through time employed some kind of (often quirky) ritual before, during and after engaging their creative work? Beethoven is rumored to have sprinkled water around his flat before he composed music. Establishing creative rituals can remove the need to constantly make new decisions about our process/behavior, help us focus, alleviate nervous jitters, act as conscious and intentional openings and closings of our creative space, and much more. Read on to learn how to create your own writing rituals.
Does what I have to write matter? Will anyone care?
Here are 10 criteria of books that readers care about, so you can evaluate your book idea and answer the question “Will anyone care about what I write?” from a place other than fear!
Storytelling in Non-Fiction
In this blog, I explore the difference between showing and telling in our writing, what that means, and how to craft a compelling story using both scene and summary.
Knowing the Field: Navigating Your Truth in Writing
How do you stay aligned with your own inner truth and purpose when you have a whole audience to consider? In this blog, I describe what I call Knowing the Field, a process of carefully considering the impact of your message on others while also staying true to your creativity, purpose and authenticity.
Why Hire a Book Coach?
A short history of book coaching and why most successful authors have a book coach. This blog also explores how a book coach is different from a writing group, editor, or workshop and the unique value a book coach will bring to your life.
Writing the First Draft of Your Book
There is something you need to know about the writing process…read on to learn more about what writing a first draft is really all about.
10 Reasons a Book is Good for Business
Read about the top ten reasons writing a book is good for your business.
Dating our Book Ideas
How do we go from many book ideas to one single idea we are willing to commit to?