frequently asked questions

  • Our clients are creative, service-based professionals and other amazing humans who are established in their careers as coaches, practitioners, consultants, healers, artists, spiritual mentors, visionaries and entrepreneurs. They are ready to take that next evolutionary step in their personal and professional development to write a book that will change lives – their own and those they serve.

    Our clients often embody the following characteristics, which makes for an ideal working relationship:

    • Have an entrepreneurial mindset and an established business: Our clients are savvy, smart, courageous, capable humans – some of the most inspiring, incredible humans we’ve met! Our clients are experienced in their fields and have something rich to offer themselves and their communities (clients, colleagues, and beyond). They know writing a book that communicates their experience and wisdom would be a tremendous contribution to others. They know that experts write books and writing a book deepens expertise.

    • Self-motivated yet collaborative: Our clients are self-motivated to accomplish what they set out to do. And, they know the value of doing things together and wisely seek support from other experts to help them achieve their desires and dreams, especially those that expand and stretch them out of their comfort zones. Leaders understand that nothing they create happens in isolation and without support.

    • Value deep meaningful processes, personal attention, and comprehensive support: Our clients revel in opportunities to focus and engage deep meaningful work in which they are supported in a personal and comprehensive way. They don’t want a one-sized-fits-all, big-name book marketing guru to hand them a formula and put them on the client conveyor belt. They want someone who knows their name, thinks about their project while brushing their teeth or driving around town, and genuinely cares about them and their project.

    • Courageous: Writing a book takes grit and gumption. Our clients know the mountain path ahead of them is wild and steep, but they possess the courage, confidence and drive to scale those peaks, knowing they are supported within and by those around them.

      Our clients have the courage to create. They know that creating is one of the most powerful and vulnerable things we can do in our lives. They know that creating is hard work. But they are all in— they show up and risk being seen because they know the value in what they have to offer and they know their creativity is their sacred work. They know the value lies in the process, not the product.

      Our clients aren’t fearless— they know that writing a book is a challenge and may feel some trepidation. But they are the kind of people who are BRAVE: they feel the fear, but they do it anyway. They know the difference between the kind of fear that warns them of true danger and the kind of fear that means they are on the brink of something truly great; the kind that tells them they are on the right track. They use that fear as a guidepost and as fuel for the tasks before them.

    • Personal Characteristics: Our clients are highly creative, out-of-the-box thinkers, deep feelers, visionaries, introspective, curious, growth-oriented, often highly sensitive, and on the path of self-development and personal inquiry. They tend to have a rich connection to Great Mystery, however they define that connection.

  • Our services— while intended to fit into the lives of busy, working professionals — require that you make the time, space, and energy in your life to commit to writing. You must be ready to make a commitment to your project and our work, and to take personal responsibility for the outcome of your book project. We honor our clients’ agency and personal sovereignty.

    We serve deep + wild creatives, not big ego personalities. People who are all about the big names, fame, and followings may not find what they seek here. Those who are seeking a book-in-30-days, quick hacks for writing a book may also be better served elsewhere.

    Bargain shoppers also need not apply. Whale Song is not the Walmart of book services, but more like the favorite boutique hotel you still remember from that great vacation a while back. Our clients are able and delighted to invest financially and enjoy a deep level of return on their investment.

  • We focus primarily on creative transformational non-fiction books— fresh, soulful books on the topics of health, wellness and the healing arts; personal development; spirituality; women’s interest; relationships and sexuality; human psychology; consciousness and growth; parenting and motherhood; and the creative arts.

    We also help writers of personal memoir aimed at sharing inspiring and transformative real-life stories to support others in their own growth and empowerment.

    Here are some examples of past project topics:

    • Trauma and trauma healing

    • Spiritual ideas, including channeled works

    • Memoirs about trauma, loss, the masculine/feminine, wholeness, identity, relationships, parenthood, and culture

    • Neurodiversity; alternative education for children

    • Psychology: somatic therapy, Internal Family Systems, Archetypal Depth Work, Dream Work, etc.

    • Plant Medicine and Ceremony

    • Addiction recovery

    • Creativity and Writing

    • Dark Night of the Soul Support

    • Sacred sexuality

    • Shamanic Healing

    • Non-violent communication

    • Boundaries

    • Depth Psychology

    • Spiritual Awakening

    • Conscious relationships; relationship challenges

    • Motherhood; parenting (through a yogic lens)

    • Modern dating

    • Energy healing

    • Mindset

    • Priority-aligned living

    • The Subconscious Mind

    • Human-friendly use of technology

    • Physical healing and wellness

    • Teens and substance abuse

  • We help people in virtually ALL stages of the writing process from concept to launch.

    We can help you if you’re:

    • Honing the concept + refining the message of your book

    • In the (messy) middle of the first draft process

    • Need support refining/revising your manuscript

    • Are seeking a professional editor

    • Are trying to decide if you want to self or traditionally publish

    • Need your interior book formatted

    • Want someone to guide you through the self-publishing process

    • Need help writing a book proposal and navigating the traditional publishing world

    Need ghostwriting? Book cover design? A website designer? Fiction book support? An audiobook? Whatever you need, we’ve got you covered – either in-house or through one of our vetted partners. Just reach out.

  • We are not a traditional publisher with whom you would procure a publishing deal. Rather, we support our clients to pursue traditional publishing (through book proposal support, query letter writing, pitch refinement, and guidance). For those wanting to self-publish, we provide publishing partnership/ project management, helping you navigate the self-publishing process with ease and efficiency. We help our indie authors get their book designed, determine a marketing plan, and actually publish their books (in eBook, print, and audio form). Our indie publishers are 100% in creative control and keep all rights to their books and all royalties.

  • Did you know that more than 97% of people who begin writing a book never finish it? From where we stand, it’s honestly not surprising.

    It is a massive challenge to write in isolation with no resources, no support, and no one to help you navigate this major creative endeavor and the obstacles that can impede or prevent your success. Add on top of that a busy professional life and a personal life and it's no wonder many people live with unwritten books their souls long to share but their human realities make it challenging to create.

    Having support makes all the difference. You have someone to reach out to when you are discouraged and overwhelmed AND when you’re totally ecstatic and wanting to share a massive success.

    You have someone to help you organize your thoughts and get clarity around your message, your audience, and the unique expression of voice in this book.

    You have someone to hold you accountable. Someone who cares about your success. Someone who champions you and your book.

    This is often the difference between a half-written book tying up memory on your hard drive and a successful, finished book that does great things in the world on your behalf.

  • No matter where you are in the process or what support you are seeking, we’ve got you covered and would love to hear from you. All of our work begins with you completing this Inquiry Form. From there, we will reach out by email (sometimes with a video!) to provide more details. When necessary and desired, we provide a free 30-minute consultation call where we can meet and talk about our service options (we do not provide free coaching or advice on these calls).

    Once we ensure our services align with your needs, we’ll hash out the details of our work together–project details, cost, and timeline. We’ll send a contract and invoice, the signing and payment of which will reserve your spot in our calendar. We’ll journey together from there.

ready to begin?